Within 30Days

Internet Exposure Increases by 121%

Internet Exposure Increases by 121%

By utilizing Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) and a news matrix, ensure atconsumer journey,potential customersare guided towards making a purchase, advancing digital marketing strategies.

0 +
TikTok Influencers
0 +
Xiaohongshu‘s KOC
0 +
Lemon8 Influencers
0 +
Instagram Influencers

Within 30Days

Internet Exposure Increases by 121%

Soarits PR Influencers Marketing Banner

By utilizing Key Opinion Consumers (KOCs) and a news matrix, ensure atconsumer journey,potential customersare guided towards making a purchase, advancing digital marketing strategies.

0 +
TikTok Influencers
0 +
Xiaohongshu‘s KOC
0 +
Lemon8 Influencers
0 +
Instagram Influencers

Real case · Effectiveness data

Increase in conversion rate

Soarits PR协助企业在Tiktok, 小红书, Instagram, facebook及Google建立起品牌口碑,向考虑中的潜在客户进行“二次营销”,客户看见大量的正面推荐,最终作出购买决定。反过来说,我们减少了客户因为搜索不到对品牌有利的正面消息而流失的客户,也在变相提升了成交率。


Reduction in sales time

做生意最难的是建立起客户对品牌的信心,往往销售人员要花大量的时间来介绍产品及品牌。Soarits PR利用大量的网红真实见证和权威新闻稿发布来提升企业的Social Proof,销售人员使用我们精心策划的见证素材,能快速建立起客户的信心!

The related data comes from the Soarits PR after-sales service team, with a sample size of 273.


服务1 : 达人短视频广告

The influencers cooperating with Soarits PR are signed and trained by the renowned influencer cultivation agency Linpard Ads, and they are proficient in designing viral social media content.

Case sharing

Leveraging the credibility of influencers

to guide consumption

#InfluencerMatrix #HerdMentality#MassStrategy

Everyone has a herd mentality, often assuming that others' choices are well-considered. For instance, if a restaurant has a long queue out front, we tend to believe it must be good! Similarly, on the internet, we can create the sensation of a long queue to guide customer consumption. The method is to have a multitude of influencers positively review and recommend your product/service!

"So many people recommend it, it must be good!"

"My favorite beauty blogger recommends it, it must be good!"

This product has hundreds of online reviews and recommendations, making it more trustworthy compared to another brand!

0 +
Types of sponsored content
0 +
Creative advertising
product sharing

Product sharing

封面图 3

Unboxing and reviews

shop visit

Exploring curiosities


Service recommendations


服務2 : 创建真实用家Reviews



Experience, Usage Insights, User Recommendations

Facebook Reviews、Google Business Profile Reviews、Shopee & Lazada Reviews 都是真实可靠的反馈用户体验的评价系统,此评价真实性高,难以造假而闻名。


facebook rating

Facebook、Instagram 好評 Reviews

Trust Building

五星好评是信任的象征,正面的评价可以帮助建 立品牌在社交媒体上的专业声誉。

Brand Reputation

积极的评论和好评有助于形成正面的品牌口, 吸引更多用户选择您的业务。

Decision Support

潜在客户做购买决策时经常查看其他用户的评价, 而好评Reviews增加了转化的可能性。

Leveraging the credibility of influencers

to guide consumption

#InfluencerMatrix #HerdMentality#MassStrategy

Everyone has a herd mentality, often assuming that others' choices are well-considered. For instance, if a restaurant has a long queue out front, we tend to believe it must be good! Similarly, on the internet, we can create the sensation of a long queue to guide customer consumption. The method is to have a multitude of influencers positively review and recommend your product/service!

"So many people recommend it, it must be good!"

"My favorite beauty blogger recommends it, it must be good!"

This product has hundreds of online reviews and recommendations, making it more trustworthy compared to another brand!

0 +
Types of sponsored content
0 +
Creative advertising
product sharing

Product sharing

封面图 3

Unboxing and reviews

shop visit

Exploring curiosities


Service recommendations


服務3 : 发布权威线上新闻


我们透过2000+ 的文&中文权威新闻媒体佢阵,进一步加您的品牌曝光度,同时增加品牌在Google、Yahoo、Bing 及 百度上的二次营销正面搜索结果。在全网社交媒体及搜索引擎的正面口碑内容的大包围下,客户在那都看到您的好评,成交自然水到渠成!


我们在中国央视新闻(CCTV)线上新闻、中国报、星洲报、AP NEWS、Yahoo! Finance、精明理财 Money Compass中刊登品牌公关新闻,让您的Branding杨威海外,获取最高品牌公信力(Social Proof)。

「Secondary Marketing」 Conversion Formula

营销文案 + 霸屏谷歌首页 + 考虑中的客户 = 即时购买

Customized Packages

Discounted price
  • 广告创意&影片內容策划
  • 全网二次营销策略及内容创作
  • 达人短视频广告
  • Posting on Facebook
  • Posting on Instagram
  • 发布Tiktok
  • 发布小红书
  • Creating real user reviews
  • 限时赠送
  • 撰写英文新闻稿并发布
  • 翻译中文新闻稿并发布
  • 社交媒体贴文 Repost

    (IG/FB/TIKTOK/小红书) 任选1项
  • Creating real user reviews
Suitable for micro-enterprises
RM 2988 RM 3576
  • 5条
  • 5次

  • 400+URL
  • 3+ URL

  • 5次

  • 5次
RM 5388 RM 5976
  • 10条
  • 10次

  • 400+URL
  • 5+ URL

  • 10次

  • 10次
89% Off
Suitable for new product launches
RM 10288 RM 11952
  • 20条
  • 20次

  • 900+媒体
  • 10+ 媒体

  • 20次

  • 20次
84% Off
Suitable for high-priced products
RM 24088 RM29880
  • 50条
  • 50次

  • 1800+媒体
  • 20+ 媒体

  • 50次

  • 50次
80% Off

Customized Packages

Discounted price
Suitable for micro-enterprises
RM 2988 RM 3576
  • 5
  • -
  • -
  • 5

  • 300
  • 300
  • -
  • -
Suitable for new product launches
RM 10288 RM 11952
  • 20
  • 200,000
  • 20

  • 900
  • 900
  • 10

Suitable for high-priced products
RM 24088 RM29880
  • 50
  • 500,000
  • 50

  • 1800
  • 1800
  • 20

Create limited-edition blockbuster products
RM 46188 RM 66000
  • 100
  • 1,000,000
  • 100

  • 2000
  • 2000
  • 20

  • Influencers
  • 60-second creative short video ads
  • Post on Xiaohongshu / Lemon8
  • Post on TikTok
  • Posting on Instagram
  • Posting on Facebook
  • Total fans across all networks
  • Creating real user reviews
  • Google / FB / Shopee / Lazada
  • 限时赠送
  • Writing English press releases
  • Publishing in English authoritative media
  • Backlink
  • Writing Chinese press releases
  • Publishing in Chinese authoritative media
  • Media release
  • Google News
  • Digital Journal
  • FOX 28
  • FOX 40
  • FOX 43
  • NCN
  • Yahoo! Finance
  • Associated Press
  • Business Insider
  • Benzinga
  • Asia One
  • Sin Chew Daily / China Press
  • Money Compass
  • 中国央视新闻(CCTV)
  • Media - Tencent News
  • Sohu Media
  • WangYi News
  • Zhihu
  • Sina-Weibo
  • 5
  • -
  • -
  • 5
  • 300
  • 300
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 20
  • 200,000
  • 20

  • 900
  • 900
  • 10

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 50
  • 500,000
  • 50

  • 1800
  • 1800
  • 20

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 100
  • 1,000,000
  • 100

  • 2000
  • 2000
  • 20

Suitable for micro-enterprises
RM 2988 RM 3576
  • 5 Influencers
  • 5 Real Reviews
  • 300 Media News
RM 5388 RM 5976
  • 10达人网红
  • 20 Real Reviews
  • 450媒体新闻
Suitable for new product launches
RM 10288 RM 11952
  • 20 Influencers
  • 20 Real Reviews
  • 900 Media News
Suitable for high-priced products
RM 24088 RM29880
  • 50 Influencers
  • 50 Real Reviews
  • 1800 Media News
Create limited-edition blockbuster products
RM 46188 RM66000
  • 100 Influencers
  • 100 Real Reviews
  • 2000 Media News

7天内购买即可获得最高总值 RM 10,200的赠品


Customized Packages

Discounted price
  • 广告创意&影片內容策划
  • 全网二次营销策略及内容创作
  • 达人短视频广告
  • Posting on Facebook
  • Posting on Instagram
  • 发布Tiktok
  • 发布小红书
  • Creating real user reviews
  • 限时赠送
  • 撰写英文新闻稿并发布
  • 翻译中文新闻稿并发布
  • 社交媒体贴文 Repost

    (IG/FB/TIKTOK/小红书) 任选1项
  • Creating real user reviews
Suitable for micro-enterprises
RM 2988 RM 3576
  • 5条
  • 5次

  • 400+URL
  • 3+ URL

  • 5次

  • 5次
RM 5388 RM 5976
  • 10条
  • 10次

  • 400+URL
  • 5+ URL

  • 10次

  • 10次
89% Off
Suitable for new product launches
RM 10288 RM 11952
  • 20条
  • 20次

  • 900+媒体
  • 10+ 媒体

  • 20次

  • 20次
84% Off
Suitable for high-priced products
RM 24088 RM29880
  • 50条
  • 50次

  • 1800+媒体
  • 20+ 媒体

  • 50次

  • 50次
80% Off

Customized Packages

Discounted price
Suitable for micro-enterprises
RM 2988 RM 3576
  • 5
  • -
  • -
  • 5

  • 300
  • 300
  • -
  • -
RM 5388 RM 5976
  • 10
  • 100,000
  • 10

  • 450
  • 450
  • 3

Suitable for new product launches
RM 10288 RM 11952
  • 20
  • 200,000
  • 20

  • 900
  • 900
  • 10

Suitable for high-priced products
RM 24088 RM29880
  • 50
  • 500,000
  • 50

  • 1800
  • 1800
  • 20

Create limited-edition blockbuster products
RM 46188 RM 66000
  • 100
  • 1,000,000
  • 100

  • 2000
  • 2000
  • 20

  • Influencers
  • 60-second creative short video ads
  • Post on Xiaohongshu / Lemon8
  • Post on TikTok
  • Posting on Instagram
  • Posting on Facebook
  • Total fans across all networks
  • Creating real user reviews
  • Google / FB / Shopee / Lazada
  • 限时赠送
  • Writing English press releases
  • Publishing in English authoritative media
  • Backlink
  • Writing Chinese press releases
  • Publishing in Chinese authoritative media
  • Media release
  • Google News
  • Digital Journal
  • FOX 28
  • FOX 40
  • FOX 43
  • NCN
  • Yahoo! Finance
  • Associated Press
  • Business Insider
  • Benzinga
  • Asia One
  • Sin Chew Daily / China Press
  • Money Compass
  • 中国央视新闻(CCTV)
  • Media - Tencent News
  • Sohu Media
  • WangYi News
  • Zhihu
  • Sina-Weibo
  • 5
  • -
  • -
  • 5
  • 300
  • 300
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 10
  • 100,000
  • 10

  • 450
  • 450
  • 3

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 20
  • 200,000
  • 20

  • 900
  • 900
  • 10

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 50
  • 500,000
  • 50

  • 1800
  • 1800
  • 20

  • -
  • -
  • -
  • 100
  • 1,000,000
  • 100

  • 2000
  • 2000
  • 20

Suitable for micro-enterprises
RM 2988 RM 3576
  • 5 Influencers
  • 10真实Reviews

  • 300 Media News
RM 5388 RM 5976
  • 10达人网红
  • 20 Real Reviews
  • 450媒体新闻
Suitable for new product launches
RM 10288 RM 11952
  • 20 Influencers
  • 40真实Reviews

  • 900 Media News
Suitable for high-priced products
RM 24088 RM29880
  • 50 Influencers
  • 100 Real Reviews
  • 1800 Media News
Create limited-edition blockbuster products
RM 46188 RM66000
  • 100 Influencers
  • 100 Real Reviews
  • 2000 Media News

7天内购买即可获得最高总值 RM 10,200的赠品




Direction Arrows
Step 01


Direction Arrows
Step 02


Direction Arrows
Step 03


Direction Arrows
Step 04

How to Start
















Real Google Reviews

Customer list


Company profile

Grade A office space around KLCC
Support from a team of over 20 people

SoaritsPR, as a global media and brand communication service platform, possesses 100,000 media resources worldwide, including 60,000 soft media, 20,000 KOLs, celebrities, and various other domestic and international news media. We offer a range of services, including media buying, public relations services, brand packaging, and influencer KOL/KOC marketing.

Our team, consisting of advertising strategists, newspaper editors, and PR professionals, has over 10 years of experience in the industry, capable of meeting the brand communication and marketing needs of various businesses and individuals, increasing brand exposure.

Local media collaboration

Sinar Harian
Malaysia Gazette
Malaysia Gazette
Malay Mail
New Straits Times
Astro Awani

The LICTA International Business Tycoon Award organized by the Ministry of Education's National Language Agency of Malaysia designated for brand PR

influencer 5

Contact us


Our team, consisting of advertising strategists, newspaper editors, and PR professionals, has over 10 years of experience in the industry, capable of meeting the brand communication and marketing needs of various businesses and individuals, increasing brand exposure.

Real Google Reviews

Customer list


Company profile

Grade A office space around KLCC
Support from a team of over 20 people

SoaritsPR, as a global media and brand communication service platform, possesses 100,000 media resources worldwide, including 60,000 soft media, 20,000 KOLs, celebrities, and various other domestic and international news media. We offer a range of services, including media buying, public relations services, brand packaging, and influencer KOL/KOC marketing.

Our team, consisting of advertising strategists, newspaper editors, and PR professionals, has over 10 years of experience in the industry, capable of meeting the brand communication and marketing needs of various businesses and individuals, increasing brand exposure.

Local media collaboration

Sinar Harian
Malaysia Gazette
Malaysia Gazette
Malay Mail
New Straits Times
Astro Awani

The LICTA International Business Tycoon Award organized by the Ministry of Education's National Language Agency of Malaysia designated for brand PR

influencer 5

Contact us

100 Malaysian influencers explosive promotion, creating a limited-edition blockbuster product within 30 days, fully occupying TikTok, Facebook, IG, Xiaohongshu, and Lemon8. KOL Marketing increases overall network exposure by 121%, building a secondary marketing network, and advertising penetration across the network.

Influencer mass strategy | 400+ short video ads & 2000 media releases, seizing advertising keywords! A brand new digital marketing strategy, leaving no room for competitors!


result badge 2

Full-time personal follow-up, the company will bear the loss if the influencer breaches the contract, and replace the influencer until the order is completed.
